Feed the best quality diet that you can afford. All diets are not created equal. We feed and recommend Science Diet products. Increased cost usually reflects better ingredients and nutritional research. Better ingredients mean you feed less for the same nutritional value, and the cost in the long term will be cheaper than buying inexpensive feeds. Better quality diets also result in less fecal output and in less gas. Feeding poor quality diets to cats can directly cause systemic problems such as bladder stones.

Just like people, every pet has special nutritional needs. Just as you wouldn’t want to feed your 3 month-old child a hamburger, an age appropriate diet will help improve your pets health and lifespan. A pet food formulated to meet the requirements of a growing kitten would not be appropriate for an older cats whose heart is stressed from congestive heart failure.

Most pet foods contain nutrition for a specific stage of your pets life. When selecting a food, make sure the product is appropriate for your pet’s age and lifestyle. Feeding your pet properly is more involved than following instructions on a bag or can. Feel free to stop by and discuss your pets diet with our knowledgable staff.

Benefits of PREMIUM SCIENCE DIET foods:

Developed to meet the nutrient and energy needs of your pet

  • Made with better quality ingredients
  • Based on over 60 years of research and proven feeding results
  • More digestible ingredients result in less waste (thats POOP)
  • Promotes healthy skin and a shiny coat
  • Most are available in small or large kibble
  • Daily dental protection cleans teeth and freshens breath

How Much Should You Feed Daily?

You should get with your veterinarian and find out how much your dog should weigh.  Most of the time you should only feed according to the manufacture’s directions.  Remember that activity, pregnancy, lactation, and the environment factors also govern total calories required by adult dogs.  Just for instance, dogs that live outside in cold climates burn more calories than those that sleep all day indoors.  If your dog is over weight and you are feeding based on that weight, then you are over feeding.  That’s why it is important to ask your veterinarian what your dog should weigh and then feeding accordingly.  Any time you change your dogs food do it gradually. Mix it with your dog’s former food, and gradually increase the proportion until only the new food is being fed.


Obesity is the condition of being seriously overweight.  Obese pets have more physical ailments and a shorter lifespan than those of normal weight.  Obesity increases the risk of complications during surgery, and breathing and walking are more difficult for obese pets.  Usually an obese pet stems from over eating and too little exercise.  However, other factors such as breed, temperament, hormone imbalance, and disease, can cause obesity.  Weight loss should be accomplished slowly, rather than with severe short-term food restriction.  Your pet did not get that extra weight over night and can not loss it over night.  The rule of thumb for checking ideal weight, you should be able to feel the dog’s ribs, but not see them. Anytime you are unsure consult with your veterinarian.